Monday, June 25, 2012

Grace Before Anything!

Monday, June 25, 2012
O Lord God of hosts,
   who is as mighty as you, O Lord?
   Your faithfulness surrounds you.
9 You rule the raging of the sea;
   when its waves rise, you still them. Psalm 89

            Yesterday the gospel told the story of Jesus stilling the waters as the disciples were tossed and turned in the sea. Today the psalm refers to God who “rules the raging sea” and stills the waves when they rise. As I write, I watch the force of tropical storm Debby roar through our neighborhood with fury one moment and then just as quickly the winds stop and the rain subsides. I can see the bands of rain on the horizon and in minutes we will be plummeted by them. Nature is such a wonderful metaphor for life in the kingdom of God.
            In this week’s Christian Century magazine, editor John Buchanan’s introductory comments are entitled “Grace before anything” and in them he discusses the controversial topic of universal salvation. Several of the articles in this issue look at universal salvation, critiquing books on it and presenting the varied positions on it which exist in the institutional church. However, Buchanan spends most of his comments discussing his personal experience of the topic.
“As soon as I was old enough to think about it, I was uncomfortable with the idea that accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is an automatic ticket to heaven, and with the reverse idea – that failing to confess belief in Christ results in an eternity in hell, even in the case of unbaptized infants and all the people who have never heard of Jesus.”
Buchanan goes on to say that this issue troubled him for a long time until he bumped into
“the notion of prevenient grace, grace that comes before anything else, in spite of anything we have done or not done.” He continues “I understood then that whatever relationship existed with God had a lot more to do with God than with me. My whole idea of Christianity turned from a method of guaranteeing salvation to the acknowledgement and proclamation of astonishingly good news. My response is gratitude.”
The storms of life are inevitable; they will come and go regardless of what we do or how we live our lives. They come in waves…death, despair, heartbreak, catastrophe. Those who have “accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior” will not be freed from them anymore than anyone else. But the secret we know as Christians is that the battle has already been won for all of us, the strife is over! Jesus will still the waters, God will quiet the sea…prevenient grace reminds us of that truth.
As the power of nature roars outside this morning, I am assured that the still small voice which quiets my soul, will also quiet the winds…the winds of discord and dismay, the winds of hatred and abuse…and my only response, like John Buchanan’s, must be gratitude. My call to evangelism is not to keep the secret to myself…as that beautiful hymn says:
            Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice;
tender to me the promise of his word;
in God my Savior shall my heart rejoice.


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